The Capital Gains Tax of French Guiana

A view of Champs-Élysées street filled with lots of traffic

Many people ask the question whether the income tax benefits from the property of French Guiana will be paid by the property owner or by the government. There is no doubt that property in this Caribbean island is subject to tax.

If a property is purchased within the territory of French Guiana, it will need to be sold to the government before the tax can be paid on the property. The property can then be sold to another owner who pays tax only if the value has increased substantially.

Some people feel that the taxes paid on property in French Guiana are too high. One argument is that the land itself was not used for very long.

Tax Laws Of French Guiana

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It is true that the tax laws of this territory do not apply to the land itself but to the improvements made on the land. This means that the value of the improvements does not increase with time but the taxes on them increase with time.

The taxes on the income or profit made by the owner of the property will be based on the sale price. These are based on the value of the property at the date of sale. The property is worth the difference between the sale price and its current market value. The price also includes all applicable taxes.

Generate The Revenues 

If the value of the property increases significantly in the future, the amount of taxes paid on it will also increase. This is because the amount of time that the owner can use the property in order to generate the revenues needed to pay off taxes will increase. As a result, the tax paid will also increase.

There are some properties that do not have to be sold to the government of French Guiana. They can remain in the possession of the owner until the tax on the property has been paid. This includes properties that are used for the sole purpose of making income and investment, as well as rental properties owned by individuals.

Tax Rate In France 

A bridge over a body of water with a city in the background

The tax rates in France are very different from those in Guiana. In addition, there is an exception to the rule that property that is used for the sole purpose of generating income must be sold to the government. This applies to properties such as buildings used as storehouses and for houses of worship.

The capital gains tax of French Guiana is relatively low. It is based on the difference between the sale price and the current tax rate. Thus, the tax paid will be substantially less than it would be in a province where taxes on property are higher.

Property In France 

Property in French Guiana is not subject to the estate tax or the death tax. It is not subject to taxes on transfers of ownership. The tax on business assets is much less.

There are two forms of tax that are paid on property in French Guiana. These are the personal tax and the business tax.

The personal tax is a flat fee and is equal to the sales tax. paid on the property. The business tax is based on the percentage of the gross cost. of the property.

The amount of tax payment you make on a property will depend on the area in which you live. The rate for the tax you pay may be determined by the property’s location in the territory.

In French Guiana, the tax rates depend on how much you make on the sale of real estate. The higher your salary, the higher your taxable income will be. There are also additional types of income that may affect the tax on your property.

For instance, you may be able to deduct a percentage of the property as income from your regular income if it is used in your daily life. Some areas in French Guiana may have special taxes on dividends, interest, or capital gain if you are a resident of the territory.


In addition, there is a property transfer tax in French Guiana for anyone who transfers property within the territory. and leaves the country for a long period of time. It depends on the length of the stay.

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